Let's engage and empower students

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Powerful learning experiences just a click away!
SchooVR simplifies the process for teachers by providing a library of pre-built lessons that can be launched with ease. These lessons can be guided by teachers in real-time using virtual reality goggles or any smart device.

SchooVR provides interactive and visually appealing digital materials, such as illustrations, assessments, and questions, created by teachers and graphic designers to enhance student learning and align with the curriculum. The materials can be used in real-time by teachers to present to students in class or remotely.

SchooVR Tour Creator is a tool that allows educators to create interactive virtual tours by choosing from thousands of licensed panoramas and adding linked content, resources, and quizzes. It helps educators create engaging tours that align with their curriculum and instructional goals. Members can also upload their own 360 panoramas and videos.

SchooVR software can be easily downloaded and installed on a wide range of devices, including laptops, desktops, and VR headsets. This allows for more flexibility in the classroom and opens up new opportunities for teaching and learning in remote or rural areas.
Students can connect to the lesson using our iOS or Android applications.

Unlock the full immersive power of SchooVR with a school or district licence.
- Unlock the full immersive power of SchooVR and support your teachers needs with unlimited access to our content and tour building tools.
- An administrator interface for managing teacher and student access within a school or district.
- Strengthen collaboration with centralized sharing of lessons and insights.
- Provide comprehensive support for all educators through personalized assistance, thorough onboarding, and ongoing training.

SchooVR enables teachers to completely transform the learning experience for their pupils.
Sign up now and get a
30 day free trial.
Interested in bringing SchooVR
to your school or district?
SchooVR protects your privacy
Protecting your privacy is fundamental to our mission and business. We do not sell members data our advertise on our platform. Read more about our privacy pledge in our Privacy Center.